Pampering Time....Part 2

Pampering Time.... Part 2


With the New Year upon us, I felt this pampering series was especially important. If you’re anything like me, taking care of yourself is probably the last item on a long list of things to-do. I’m not saying this is a resolution for the year. It's more of a goal to take a little better care of myself and stop feeling guilty about doing it!  Read on for part two where I introduce my beautiful, beautifying friend.

Every girl has that one friend: the one who is your longest running relationship ever. That person you can go weeks or months without seeing and still pick up right where you left off the last time you were together. My person is Amber.

photo by Mandy Ford Photography

photo by Mandy Ford Photography

I was so fortunate when I found that in Amber, who is also my hairdresser. I met her back when I was in college and just sort of wandered my way into a salon next to the sushi restaurant where my mom and I had just eaten. She had just finished beauty school and was building her clientele. I asked the front desk receptionist who had an available appointment just on a whim. Suddenly, I was assaulted (in absolutely the best way) by the bubbliest, blond, curly-headed tornado of energy!

Amber is the yin to my yang, the day to my night. Where I can be somewhat reserved when first meeting people, she has never met a stranger. I can sometimes be grumpy (what?!) and Amber is always finding the positive in everything life throws her way.  I could go on and on but I’m sure you get the point!

Lucky for me, she is also amazing at making me beautiful inside and out! She’s been doing my hair for almost 20 years now, and I can always depend on being able to walk into the salon and immediately feel at home. I never need to tell her what to do with my hair, because she usually just tells me what needs to be done!

We've shared the last twenty years of our lives with each other. Every up and down, she was there to listen to my complaining or crying. She celebrated my ups and helped pick me up when I was down. She has always been a constant for me.

Getting pampered every six or seven weeks by this gal always gives me something to look forward to. She is not just incredible at doing my hair, but is also part therapist, comedian, motivator and encourager. I am blessed to call her my lifelong friend!