How to Write a Blog in 10 Minutes

How to write a blog post in 10 minutes or less


Every blogger out there knows that feeling of sitting at the computer waiting for the words to come.  The need to finish the assignment because of a deadline, a client, or just because it’s on your to-do list can be overwhelming.

Or, if you’re as bad as me, you find every other excuse of things to do other than just sitting down and getting the words on a page. Usually the words are floating around my brain as I’m driving in the car, running on the treadmill and making dinner. They haunt me, and if I would just write them down, I would be free of the worry.

In order to combat that, I came up with a fool proof template to get my blog down on paper and get the words flowing effortlessly…. Well maybe not completely effortlessly, but easier than just staring at a blank screen!



1. Plan the beginning, middle and end of your blog

It’s like a story and every good story has those three components.  This doesn’t need to be a long drawn out process. Just jot down a sentence of the three basic parts of the story and start with the end first. That’s where you want to finish, so you know exactly what that is. Then go to the beginning of your blog because you know where you want to start. Then finish with a simple midway portion to keep the flow cohesive.

 2. Add details

Once the beginning, middle and end of your blog is written down, go back and add 3-4 sentences of details for each which will take your reader from one part to the next in an organized flow. This will also help with keeping you on track and not taking an unexpected exit from what I call your “writing road”. You don’t want the reader confused. As creatives, we tend to want to tell every little detail of everything we were thinking and doing. That doesn’t make for a good post. It creates a book-sized, jumbled blog and one that is usually boring!

3. Give the beginning some zing!

Your first sentence needs to draw the reader in. Use a hook to pull them in. There are all types of hooks you can use. You also want to make sure you have established the when and where of your blog. Back in school days, this was the setting of your story.

4. Show your reader, don’t tell

When adding your details, use imagery, descriptions using your five senses and comparisons to draw your reader in and make them feel like they were there. Don’t tell your story; show it using strong descriptions when relevant. Warning! Don’t overuse them, however. Interjecting a few here and there go a long way.

5. End it strong!

You already know where your blog is ending because that is in your plan from step 1. Your final sentence needs to be strong so that your reader knows there is a conclusion. There are a variety of strong ending choices you can use when finishing your writing but ultimately you don’t want your reader scrolling down looking for more. A reader needs a sense of conclusion, so make sure to provide that in your blog.

Those are the simple steps I use when organizing a blog to write. I have created a template you can use to jot down your notes and get those creative juices flowing. My biggest advice is to just start writing it once you have your plan. Stick to the plan and don’t second-guess every written choice. Once the blog is finished, you can go back and revise it as needed, but you may be pleasantly surprised how well it already sounds.

Keep Chasing Your Dreams!